Transitions - Season 1
This show centers around Adonis Blackwell, a mentally ill, Machiavellian narco-trafficker who suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder and schizophrenia. He was psychologically damaged at nine-years-old after walking in the bathroom and witnessing his father Lloyd Blackwell, dead from a heroin overdose. The same drug that killed his father eventually becomes his very own cash-cow. Adonis works his way up the food chain then becomes the head of a well-structured narcotics business accompanied by many lieutenants, and Rahman Abdul, a ruthless hit-man who specializes in torture and interrogations. Prosecutors describe the Blackwell Crew as the largest and most prolific drug-trafficking organization in the United States, and will commit murder in a New York minute to protect it. After distributing multi-kilograms of fentanyl, killing addicts in suburban and rural communities across America, a FBI investigation ensues. An indictment leads to Adonis faced with life in prison, so he ...