Ladies vs Gentlemen - Season 1
Ladies vs Gentlemen is a unique opinion poll show, where India's biggest opinion-makers will wrestle out some of the most debated questions about MEN vs WOMEN. The show is hosted by the celebrity couple Riteish Deshmukh and Genelia Deshmukh and joined by the famous opinion makers/panelists. The show will also give a chance to India to answer the questions and win exciting prizes every day. This gender war will be led by our Panellists who will go head to head against each other and debate the every day topics that men and women face. They will answer 3 quirky, fun, and relevant questions in % that they think is right. Which will lead to them defending their answers in the form of fun banter and debate. They will get points each time they are closer to India's answer as compared to their opponent. As the name of the show suggests, this is a war that every human being can relate to and the ones fighting it are our Panellists. Through the course of this show, we get to know more insights...