![Vulgar Display of Debug vol.5 [there's language]](/img/bg.png?https://img.discogs.com/sOVaYsvDLHPYJ8Q4XiUIi57qK14=/fit-in/600x600/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(90)/discogs-images/R-16479204-1607986019-3031.jpeg.jpg)
Track List
"those tracks were made during the last 3 years, during the development of Piccolo, a sequencer/midi player built from scratch.i have been improvising or deconstructing MIDI files, regularly hitting the REC button when something sounded good enough.out of the hundreds of hours of archives, i have selected fragments which, although still basically patchy lo-fi debugging experiments also have a special quality which says something pleasurable about that whole process.some are improvisations, some are renditions of compositions by significant others. sometimes the lines are blurred. sometimes i forgot if it was based on an existing track. such is my memory. i like that state between recognizable and unknown.for MIDI deconstructions i used my alter ego [0x4d546864], but it doesnt really matter."// Le "parce que" disparaît dans le Jeu. Le Jeu est sans "pourquoi". Il joue cependant qu'il joue. Le Jeu seul demeure : il est Ce qu'il y a de plus haut et de plus profond. //( Martin Heidegger, in Le Principe de Raison. )more info on midi deconstruction and the Piccolo sequencer : www.iniitu.netthanks to Patrick, C_C, Accou, Antoine Pacifique, the whole E42.A8 players, and especially Rini & Liv for bearing with me through those endless hours
About Vulgar Display of Debug vol.5 [there's language] Song Download
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