![Below the House [Version/Phase II]](/img/bg.png?https://img.discogs.com/CVcizBNvvG5o5noObZPFpw0GpmE=/fit-in/600x800/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(90)/discogs-images/R-14145665-1568673083-8764.jpeg.jpg)
Track List
"Between July and November 2018 I continued the process, this time I took a production copy of the 2nd pressing and pulled the tape out so it would flow on my dashboard while on tour driving through the country, much of the time was spent driving through the desert during the summer months, at times flowing down to the floor and being stepped on in spots, later it was burnt and taped back together in a spot, then played over and over in cheap tape deck."Third pressing is limited to 100 copies.new art work. purple coloured cassette with white imprinting. pro dubbed.pro printed j card
About Below the House [Version/Phase II] Song Download
Download Below the House [Version/Phase II] song for free on uTubeMate.com.