![Ezra Pound [Redactions]](/img/bg.png?https://img.discogs.com/eeq4uH7iMPVDGEXcpoO7LuEeZ4c=/fit-in/600x600/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(90)/discogs-images/R-15464126-1591963615-1258.jpeg.jpg)
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The result of a commission by Harvard's Carpenter Center for the Arts & resident artist Damon Krukowski, an attempt to sonify the "unplayable record" of Ezra Pound reading one of his Cantos in 1939 turned into a performance of all of the "incorrect" mappings of polar point-to-coordinate data as a themed "Redaction"Here is a recording of the concert, followed by a selection of the sonifications used as source material, which synthesize & spectrally map Pound's cadence via a series of sustained & iterative engines. This was very early on in the "Redactions" lifespan & was the first of the commissioned, focused takes.
About Ezra Pound [Redactions] Song Download
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