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Why Cheat India

Why Cheat India

IMDB Score
6.0 (10)
121 min
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Emraan Hashmi , Shreya Dhanwanthary , Snighdadeep Chatterji , Ashmita Kaur Bakshi , Shibani Bedi , Sameeksha Gaur , Durgesh Kumar , Yash Nagarkoti , Manuj Sharma , Naval Shukla


Download Why Cheat India (2019) full movie for free on uTubeMate.com. Why Cheat India (2019), Crime, Drama releasing in Hindi language. Know about Film reviews, lead cast & crew, photos & video gallery on uTubeMate.


The movie focuses on existing malpractices in country's education system, the whole concept of buying your way through education, jobs and earnings. Even with an evolving education system, the country faces scams like SSC and HSC paper leaks, CBSE re-examination, Vyaapam, etc. The movie tries to shift the attention of people to understand the vulnerability of hardworking and gifted students who get left out.

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